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Jocelyn Bystrom

Author / Mental Health & FND Advocate /


Jocelyn Bystrom faced a relentless battle with her mental health, plain and simple.

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Her Story

She considered herself a passionate, driven, career-oriented workaholic. However, when her career was unexpectedly ripped away, she buried her grief rather than seek supports she desperately needed to release pent-up emotion and loss.


Over time, the coping mechanisms she relied on since childhood began to fail her. Jocelyn’s body kept score of traumatic incidents and unresolved grief.


After seven years of enduring debilitating physical symptoms that even a team of neurologists struggled to diagnose, Jocelyn found herself completely incapacitated by daily seizures 10 - 30 minutes each, with as many as eight seizures in a single day. It was only then that she was admitted to a seizures investigation unit.


In February 2021, Jocelyn was diagnosed with PTSD, FND, OCD, and Anxiety. It was a wake-up call for her to confront her past and seek the support she had long required. She needed to unpack the baggage she had been carrying and learn new skills and strategies to journey to wellbeing. 


A confident, perfectionist facade was shattered by the weight of unresolved grief and loss. With the clarity of a diagnosis, She’d known it was time to reach out, to call out, to pray for help and acknowledge that she could no longer manage alone. She embraced her imperfections and learned to love her brain and body.


Embarking on the journey to wellness she began writing: 


"Finding Hope: The Mind-Body Connection & Importance of Being Seen and Heard
now available on Amazon and recently awarded semi-finalist by IndiesToday 2023 awards contest. Jocelyn writes to navigate her own mental health journey and offer support and hope to those who may be silently battling their own struggles.

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